Maritime and Aviation

The Law Firm provides unique legal services in both Maritime and Aviation sectors ,Our services include loading and unloading cargo, travelling of passengers, in addition to all relevant in-rem rights with regard to drafting and reviewing contracts, as well as, settling all sorts of disputes, regardless of the cause, via amicable solutions.

First: Aviation

Usage of aircrafts establish legal bonds entered under certain regulations and obligation provisions, namely in-rem rights on aircrafts, contracts of transportation, liability of the transporter and the passenger, along with insurance aspects.

Second: Maritime

Shipping is considered to be the cornerstone of the economy of most coastal countries, located near seas or ocea., Activating exchange of trade, leading to the existence of legal impacts, accompanied with loading and unloading of cargo operations from harbors to customized piers. 
ALRAEDA Law Firmprovides professional legal assistance programs for registering shipping corporates and the settlement of disputes that may arise with any second party in all of its areas of business, and on all stages and levels.